It happened so fast . . . . and so suddenly.
(nothing bad . . . she just grew up!!)
We're going to have to get accustomed to
not seeing
Kenzie around here so much.
Here's a photo-journal checklist
of some culminating events of this stage in her life.
of some culminating events of this stage in her life.
Senior Prom (check)
Senior Trip to Disneyland (check)
Seminary Graduation (check)
High School Graduation (check)
Abbie's missing because she was somewhere out there in that crowd :-)
She also was elated to be chosen to sing the national anthem at graduation
Below is my attempt at taping it.
(she's the one in the middle; singing mostly melody)
And yes, we were THAT far away.
(even though I sat in the BOILING sun for 4 hours before graduation
holding a golf umbrella while saving our seats)
She stuck around after graduation for a couple weeks, then headed off to travel
to the opposite side of the earth
to the opposite side of the earth
to fulfill a dream she's had for a couple years!
Her volunteer work in India was truly a privilege for her,
and reading her blog about it has been a privilege for us...
not to mention the highlight of our summer!

If you haven't checked out her blog . . . it's a 'must-read' :-)
Click here to read!
This is Aravind Raj A. --- a little boy who lives (mostly) at RSO.
His family lives in a leprosy colony.
Kenzie developed a special bond with him,
and convinced us (easily) to become his sponsors :-)
She is certain he is destined to do great things in his life!
The education he is receiving at RSO will allow him
the opportunity to do just that.
Kenzie is home now . . . readjusting to life in the U.S.,
missing India - but so blessed to have had the experience,
and preparing to be dropped off at BYU-Idaho in 2 weeks!
We'll miss her around here,
but we're very happy for her to begin this next phase of her life.
and reading her blog about it has been a privilege for us...
not to mention the highlight of our summer!

If you haven't checked out her blog . . . it's a 'must-read' :-)
Click here to read!
This is Aravind Raj A. --- a little boy who lives (mostly) at RSO.
His family lives in a leprosy colony.
Kenzie developed a special bond with him,
and convinced us (easily) to become his sponsors :-)
She is certain he is destined to do great things in his life!
The education he is receiving at RSO will allow him
the opportunity to do just that.
missing India - but so blessed to have had the experience,
and preparing to be dropped off at BYU-Idaho in 2 weeks!
We'll miss her around here,
but we're very happy for her to begin this next phase of her life.
Kenzie you are too cool! Thanks for always being such a good cousin and great example to my kids! Can't wait to see the next phase in your life take shape.
Great job Kenz--- AND Sue!--for taping the Nat'l Anthum!!
I can hear her for sure!!
xox from one of the adoring Grandma's!
The title is perfect. I cannot believe how fast she’s grown up. She amazes me, and always has. She’s set goals from a very young age (I want to sing on stage!), and achieved them! And, I’m sure that will continue. I loved hearing her in the Nat’l Anthem, and loved following her blog. It made my day to check her blog, see new photos, and her amazing way of telling her story in India.
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