Kind of embarrassing, but true!
It's 11pm on a school night, and we are all up,
cuz it's thunder-ing & lightning-ing & HAILING!
Wide awake with excitement, I tell you.
And taking pictures.
There it is -- real live hail --
trying to go down the drain on the pool deck -- WOW!
Yep - Porter's up,
in his jammies, winter coat . . . and wait, no flip flops?
Well, he was in a really big hurry to hold some before it melted. Duh.
Can you blame him?
(sure, mom, but I'm not going to sleep, i gotta count the seconds between the thunder & lightning, and then multiply it by 3 to see how far away it is...)
Oh my gosh, there's hail on my hood -- quick, grab the camera!
OK...all is quiet again
time for bed, again
And, for the record, Jake HATES all this weather we are having.
Scares the little (cat) dog to death.
I think it's pretty fun, for a change,
but only for this week, k?
(so grateful for my cozy, dry house)
nighty night :-)