Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kenzie's Rising Star Benefit

It seems an understatement to say that 
Kenzie has been blessed in her efforts to make 
her impossible dream
of volunteering at Rising Star Outreach in India this summer
a reality.

Months ago a friend who was planning a 
classical music concert as part of his piano studies 
heard of Kenzie's plans & asked if she'd like to collaborate with him
and make it a benefit for Rising Star Outreach.

And, collaborate they did.

He had secured a hall & lined up musicians 
(also friends of Kenzie's)
who were all graduating seniors at MVHS to perform.
They pulicized the event, organized a bake sale, 
put together a slideshow of Rising Star kids 
& shared their talents.  

All in all, this was a very successful event 
on many levels.

Our sincere thanks go to all those who participated 
and especially those who attended 
and donated so generously to this worthy cause. 

Kenzie was astonished
at the support they received
and the love she felt.

The Performers - - accomplished pianist, vocalists & cellist

Double-click on the the program from the event to see all the details:

(here's another page)

And, here's a sampling of the numbers performed.

Talented kids with bright futures ahead, if you ask me :-)

1 comment:

C Hall said...

Beautiful! Looks like such a professional night. I’m so glad you guys have supported Kenz in RSO. It is just such an amazing thing she’s going for.

Just think, by the time you do Porter’s Eagle, it will seem like a piece of cake in comparison!

<3, C
can’t wait to see you in person!