Friday, August 20, 2010

Sweet Dance!

Check out this performance by Abbie & friends
at Youth Conference last May.

Betcha can't guess which one she is!!
You have to watch 'til the end to find out :-)

ok -- it's long -- she's the cute pink one

Here's a few other things that went on at this year's Youth Conference
themed "Be Strong and of a Good Courage"

The kids dug huge holes, and planted 15 huge trees --
And they are still alive, now 3 months later! (the trees, I mean :-)
well, and the kids too, as far as I know

Here Kenzie demonstrates her s.t.r.o.n.g. and impressive
hauling the dirt from the holes

A job well done! (below, not necessarily above)

Abbie (left) on the zipline across a ravine

I don't look tired, do I?
(sleeping was not high on the list of activities that weekend :-)

Abbie & friends enjoying the dance

It was 'almost' as enjoyable for me as a chaperone, but not quite, just sayin' :-)

1 comment:

C Hall said...

Kenz is better with a bowl of rocks on her head (India) than with a wheelbarrow! haha!