Friday, January 28, 2011

What the Heck?

We   h a v e   a 
1 9 - y e a r - o l d !

Here she is
on her birthday
with her friend, Molly
and the gift Molly brought her
and, I'm not gonna lie
she's been a tad parsimonious* about sharing
and that's been kinda hard on me
what, with the box staring me down all day long
just sayin'
*a thesaurus is a handy thing :-)

even with all her parsimoniousness
we love her anyway
Happy 19th Kenz :-)

post edit:  the red velvet with cream cheese frosting were especially yummy.

1 comment:

Gray Family said...

I don't believe sweet Kenzie could be stingy! (and yes I looked it up!)