Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Porter & the "Sons of Liberty"

Colonial Day
at de Portola Elementary :-)

Here we are . . . ready to take a step back in time!
There were lots of fun activities including making colonial crafts
(whirligigs, tin punch lanterns, candles, corn husk dolls & leather tooling),
a chance to be locked up in the stocks,
and finally, signing the Declaration of Independence with a feather pen
(porter sharpened & used his real turkey feather sent by Uncle Doug :-) 

Next, we were treated to a fine performance by Porter's class 
about the Boston Tea Party, 
and guess who was one of the Sons of Liberty?
That there's some pretty convincing acting, doncha think?

Then it was time for some Colonial dancing -- 
here's the Virginia Reel demonstrated by the one & only . . .

The real fun started when Gramma got to join in!

We are lucky to have such wonderful teachers at our little public school!
This event was a lot of work, 
but what an excellent way to culminate the 5th grade's focus of study in history.
It really brought it all to life for the kids.

Porter enjoyed it so much, 
he left a post-it note on his teacher's computer 
thanking her for all her hard work to make such a fun day!  
(She emailed me later to tell me he had 'made her day' )

What a thoughtful boy I have :-)


Gray Family said...

So did you make Porter's costume (and yours) or are these just random items you keep hidden away at home? The girl Porter is dancing with does not look as excited as Gramma.

C Hall said...

WOw! That does look like a lot of work. You are lucky to have such great teachers at your school. And How nice for Porter to leave a note for his teacher! And, did you make your Cute costume? I’m surprised Grammy isn’t dressed in Colonial attire.