Saturday, October 4, 2008

This Is For You, Dood!

When your sister up & moves 7,500 miles away (to Australia, of all places; thanks Matt-y!!) taking 4 of your 8 favorite tiny relations, you gotta do something!  So, it's finally time to start our blog so we can S.H.R.I.N.K. down the miles between us.  (sorry it's taken me so long, Carrie!)  

As yet, I've only been a blog lurker, but I LOVE keeping up with my nieces' & nephews' lives via their family blogs. (thanks to BOTH my sisters, Heather AND Carrie -- one near, one far)

So . . . expect an OVERSHARE of pictures to tell the story of what the Coes are up to, but don't get your hopes up for cleverly worded or profoundly thought-provoking entries.  Not sure I'm up to that!!

Miss you, Dood!  

love, sue

P.S. In case someone besides my sis happens along - Dood is short for Carrie-Doodle, as in Yankee Doodle  --  a kind-of unfortunate nickname from my sister's childhood...that stuck!  It was 1976 -- a year filled with bicentennial celebrations, and plenty of  'I'm A Yankee Doodle Dandy' singing while dressed in red, white & blue.  (Dood's the cute little one working on Pete's hair while being held by Betsy Ross; I'm the one with looped-up braids - all ready to go sing at the mall!)

1 comment:

C Hall said...

SO uncool calling me dood to all of blog-land.

Other than that, thanks for finally getting this up and going. And, btw, you are SO witty and clever. and I look forward to it, just as much as all the overshare of photos :)

Thanks! love, dood
(at least you didn't call me doodle...)