Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Candy-Gathering...uh, I mean Halloween!

Halloween has been thoroughly celebrated at the Coe house.
Kenzie & Abbie went to plenty of parties & dances.

Guess how last-minute this costume was . . .?

Porter, who is a FINE salesman, did some extra trick-or-treating with one of our favorite neighbors to collect candy to be donated to the military (a $2000 prize has been offered by a dental group to the school who's students donate the most candy!)

Porter said most people gave him one piece, until he gave them his spiel about where the candy was going, and then many gave him extra handfuls (some even dumped the rest of their bowl into his bag.) He & Kailee came home with 15 lbs EACH, so they will be dropping off 30 lbs of candy tomorrow . . . hope the soldiers don't get a tummy ache!

Here's Porter with some of his cache!


Heather Richardson said...

sorry to have missed the fun!! and love the costumes, is Porter supposed to be Dave?! And Kenzie, adorable costume! but what exactly is showing on the screen of the tv behind you?!

kudos Sue!

Gray Family said...

Way to go Porter! So I guess the Great Pumpkin isn't coming to your house this year after all. Love the costumes, and it looks like Porter worked all season long on his costume, not just last minute!

Sue Coe said...

Heather - - That would be Abbie & Jodi watching 'Nacho Libre' as am antidote to scary halloween movies! (and You are observant!)

C Hall said...

if ever there was a time i wanted to reach into the computer and grab some candy! Yum! i just know porter would share with me :) you rock Ports!